Sex Abuse Prevention
This page houses sex abuse prevention resources, curated by our Sex Abuse Prevention Consultant, McKenzie Nix.
Sexual Abuse Prevention Services Flyer
Request PACE Sex Abuse Prevention Resources
The following resources are available to PACE members at no additional cost:
- We Got This! poster (English and Spanish) 8.5×11
- Mandatory Reporter poster (English and Spanish)
- Sex Abuse Prevention staff/student resource card
Training Brochures
Mandatory Reporter Requirements- Employee (English) (Spanish)
Mandatory Reporter Requirements- Contractors, Vendors, & Volunteers (English) (Spanish)
Mandatory Reporter Requirements Acknowledgment Form
(English) (Spanish)Instructions:
- Enter in your district name in both fill-able sections on the first page. Make sure to select the appropriate language choices from the footnotes in the last fill-able box.
- Please note the bracketed section for 3rd Party reporting – this is section is optional and should only be placed into this document if it aligns with your district policy. Remove this section if it is not applicable to your district, before giving out to contractors or volunteers.
- Please contact us if you need any help at 503-588-2800 or [email protected]. If you have any legal questions regarding the poster, please email [email protected].
Sex Abuse Prevention: Quick Reference Guides (QRG)
Vector Sexual Misconduct Training
Community College Resources
OSBA Sample Policies
Questions about sex abuse prevention? Email [email protected].
ODE Sexuality Education

Related Laws, Rules, and Policies
The following Oregon and ODE laws, rules, and policies relate to K-12 comprehensive sexuality education and health education implementation.
2023 Oregon K-12 Health Education Standards
Human Sexuality Education (OAR 581-022-2050)
- Human Sexuality Education (OAR 581-022-2050)
Requires that each school district adopt a child sexual abuse prevention instructional program for all students, in each grade K-12, including a minimum of four lessons per year. Instruction and material must be age appropriate, medically accurate, not shame or fear based, LGBTQ2SIA+ inclusive, and build on itself. While four lessons per year is the time requirement attached to this OAR through Erin’s Law, all Health Education Standards and Performance Indicators must also be met in order to be fully in compliance with Division 22 statute. This includes information on healthy relationships and dating violence prevention.- Human Sexuality Education Law (2009, ORS 336.455)
- Healthy Teens Relationships Act (2013, HB 4077; ORS 339.366)
- Child Sexual Abuse Prevention “Erin’s Law” (2015, SB 856)
- Human Sexuality Education (OAR 581-022-2050)
Oregon Civil Rights Law ORS 659.850, Title IX
- Oregon Civil Rights Law ORS 659.850, Title IX
Protects students against discrimination, and identifies sex and sexual orientation as protected classes (as well as race, color, religion, national origin, marital status, age or disability).
- Oregon Civil Rights Law ORS 659.850, Title IX
Menstrual Dignity for Students (2021 HB 3294; Permanent OARs 581-021-0600, 581-021-0603, 581-021-0606, 581-021-0609)
- Menstrual Dignity for Students (2021 HB 3294; Permanent OARs 581-021-0600, 581-021-0603, 581-021-0606, 581-021-0609)
Suicide Prevention, Intervention, Postvention (Adi’s Act”) (ORS 339.343; OAR 581-022-2510)
- Suicide Prevention, Intervention, Postvention (Adi’s Act”) (ORS 339.343; OAR 581-022-2510)
Requires Oregon School Districts to develop comprehensive district Student Suicide Prevention Plans.
- Suicide Prevention, Intervention, Postvention (Adi’s Act”) (ORS 339.343; OAR 581-022-2510)
Every Student Belongs (HB 2697 2020; OAR 581-022-2312)
- Every Student Belongs (HB 2697 2020; OAR 581-022-2312)
Prohibits hate symbols, specifically three of the most recognizable symbols of hate in the U.S.—the swastika (outside of a religious context), the Confederate flag, and the noose.
- Every Student Belongs (HB 2697 2020; OAR 581-022-2312)
Oregon Safe Schools Act
ODE Supporting Gender Expansive Students: Guidance for Schools
- Guidance for Schools, January 2023
ODE LGBTQ2SIA+ Student Success Plan
- ODE LGBTQ2SIA+ Student Success Plan, 2020
ODE Child Abuse & Violence Prevention Resources
The following resources are intended to support school districts in the implementation of child abuse and teen dating prevention education, through the 2015 Erin’s Law and the 2013 Healthy Teens Relationships Act requirements, both of which are embedded within the Human Sexuality Education OAR 581-022-2050.
Connecting Goals and Strategies for a Healthier and Safer Oregon for Young People
Connecting Goals and Strategies for a Healthier and Safer Oregon for Young People, Oregon Attorney General’s Sexual Assault Task Force (SATF)
Sexuality education plays an important role in connecting strategies between child abuse prevention, sexual and dating violence prevention, sexual health promotion, and suicide prevention.
Child Abuse Prevention and Response – SB 856 “Erin’s Law”
Comprehensive Distance Learning: Erin’s Law Toolkit for Districts
A toolkit designed to help districts support students with essential understandings and skills related to healthy relationships and violence prevention in a distance learning environment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Key Tips for Sexuality Education and Erin’s Law Instruction During Distance Learning
Webinar for Parents and Caregivers
Webinar for School District Staff
Staff Tip Sheet
SB 856 (Child Abuse Prevention Instruction)Parent Tip Sheet
School Administrator Tip Sheet: Parent Component SB 856 (Child Abuse Prevention Instruction)K-12 Guidance
Sex Abuse Prevention Instruction, grades K-12 -
Child Abuse Prevention and Response – SB 856 “Erin’s Law”
Trauma Informed Mandatory Reporting (English)
When a Child Alleges Sexual Abuse by an Educator or other School Staff
Oregon Child Abuse Mandatory Reporting Website, Department of Human Services, Child Welfare Office
Questions to Consider Before Calling the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline Infographic, October 2021
Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect (RRCAN), Oregon Center for Career Development – PSU, (Required for childcare education providers; 0-12 years old)
To report suspected child abuse, call the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline at 1-855-503-SAFE (7233)
Sexual and Dating Violence Prevention and Response
ODE Civil Rights Resources
Gender Equity and Sexual Harassment
Includes guidance for school districts to create safe space for transgender students.Healthy Teen Relationship Act Toolkit: A Local School District’s Guide to Teen Dating Violence Prevention by Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (OCADSV)
Domestic Violence Poster English
Domestic Violence Poster Spanish

Additional ODE Resources

Individualized Technical Support for Districts
ODE provides direct support for all 197 school districts and community members who support K-12 Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Oregon, including:
- Division 22 Technical Assistance
- Meeting or presentation about K-12 Comprehensive Sexuality Education implementation for school board, school district, or community
- Email for support
Subscribe to ODE’s Sex Ed List Serv for updates on resources and support for districts.
Administrator & Community Resources
The following resources have been created by ODE to support administrators and communities to better understand the scope of comprehensive sexuality education, which aligns with Oregon laws and Health Education standards.
- Sex Ed Made Simple: A Toolkit for Administrators, OHA & ODE
This toolkit was created to support administrators in developing a K-12 Sex Ed Comprehensive Plan of Instruction, as required by OAR 581-022-2050. Please view this webinar to learn more about the administrator toolkit. - Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Oregon, 1 page summary
- Supporting Sexuality Education, A letter from the Director of ODE
- Sexuality Education Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – English Version
Comprehensive Sexuality Education is a powerful tool for promoting health and safety among young people. This FAQ is intended to help anyone learn more about what sexuality education is, what it includes, and why it’s important. - ODE Guidance for Sex Ed Speakers
- Oregon Sexual Violence Prevention Map, OHA & ODE
- Mapping tool which displays county-specific data from the Oregon Student Health Survey (formerly the Oregon Healthy Teens Survey), which are specifically related to identity, sexual health, bullying and violence prevention. This tool also includes data on school districts who have a Sex Ed Comprehensive Plan of Instruction, as required by OAR 581-022-2050.
- Sex Ed Made Simple: A Toolkit for Administrators, OHA & ODE
Instructional Materials
The following resources have been created by ODE to support districts in K-12 implementation of sexuality education through instructional materials. To learn more about instructional materials, please the ODE website here.
Health Education Adopted Instructional Materials
- Oregon Open Learning Hub (OOL)
Includes content area resources that are openly licensed and free to use, remix, and share. See the Health Group for resources related to Health and Sexuality education. - Comprehensive Distance Learning: Erin’s Law Toolkit for Districts
A toolkit designed to help districts support students with essential understandings and skills related to healthy relationships and violence prevention in a distance learning environment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- ODE Designing Learning for 2020-21, Sex Ed 4-pager
- Oregon Open Learning Hub (OOL)
Standards & Performance Indicators
The following resources have been created by ODE to support districts in K-12 implementation of sexuality education through Health Education standards and instructional materials.
2023 Health Education Standards Documents:
The Oregon State Board of Education adopted the new Health Education Standards on October 19, 2023. These new standards will come into full effect in Oregon Public Schools by the 2025-26 school year. To help prepare for the transition to the new 2023 Health Standards, please see the documents below:
Other Resources to support the 2023 Health Education Standards:
Oregon’s 2023 Comprehensive Sexuality Education Health Standards: K-12 learning progressions and Reference Guide (one pagers by the Oregon Sexual Assault Task Force (SATF) that highlight Oregon’s new 2023 sex ed standards by subtopic.
Professional Development
The following ODE professional development resources are available to all Oregon school districts who support K-12 sexuality education implementation.
Sexuality Education Made Simple: A Teacher’s Guide (.pdf version)
Sexuality Education Made Simple: A Teacher’s Guide (.doc version)
- Oregon Teacher Training Institute (OTTI)
- In Person 2-Day Series on K-5 Comprehensive Sex Ed
- Virtual Synchronous 4-Part Series on K-5 Comprehensive Sex Ed
Sex Ed Made Simple: An asynchronous webinar series, Canvas Course
The webinars are hosted by the Sexuality Education Specialists at ODE, presented in partnership with various community organizations, state agencies, and other sexual health colleagues across the state of Oregon.
Related sexuality education trainings, conference, and professional development opportunities can also be found within our monthly Sex Ed Newsletter. Subscribe to the ODE Sex Ed Listserv for more information.
- Oregon Teacher Training Institute (OTTI)
Newsletter & Resources
To receive updates about Sexuality Education, including our monthly newsletter, please subscribe to ODE’s Sex Ed Listserv by entering your email address. You may update your ODE Listserv subscriptions by clicking “Subscriber Preferences”.
Archived ODE Sex Ed Newsletters can be found here.
Helpful YouTube Resources
Connecting Response and Prevention of Sexual Harassment
Tea and Consent
Consent for Kids
Nassar victim: Kyle Stephens statement
Matthew Sandusky: “He Picked Me Out from a Camp of Hundreds of Other Children” | Oprah Prime | OWN
Sandusky Case: Victim 1 Speaks
A predator in the classroom: The Brittany Zamora story from News 12