The MVP (most valuable person) in your district – your key contact

Every PACE member designates a staff person to be your organization’s key contact. All PACE communications go to this contact, including claims, risk management issues and general information. We consider this contact your MVP because we rely on them to distribute essential information to appropriate staff within your school, district, educational service district or community college. Examples of essential information include insurance renewals, grant opportunities, upcoming trainings, key legislative issues, other events and opportunities and severe weather events.

The key contact’s role is to determine where information needs to go within your organization to avoid losing it in cyberspace. Therefore, choosing the proper key contact is crucial. Some members from small organizations choose the administrative assistant as their key contact. This is acceptable if they regularly check their email and forward or respond to the information. If this is not the case, opportunities or important decisions may be missed or delayed, which can monetarily impact your organization.

We have developed a webinar that discusses the key contact’s role and available resources at PACE.

 You can find these resources on the About PACE page, under the "Are you a Key Contact?" header. 

If you do not know your key contact, or think a change needs to be made, please reach out to [email protected] or risk management at [email protected].